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02-02-2011 Zeslandentoernooi 2011 in EngelandHieronder volgt de engelstalige tekst van de uitnodiging voor het 21e zeslandentoernooi. Voor meer info over dit toernooi kun je contact opnemen met Martien Boerefijn
Dear Chessfriends,
You are cordially invited to the 2011 Six Nations Tournament to be held from 5th to 9th May 2011 at the Old Swan Hotel, in the beautiful spa town of Harrogate in the north of England.
The following nations are invited to bring four players and two guides:
France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands. Each nation is requested to pay 800 Euros towards the cost of accommodation for their four players and two guides. Additional persons may attend [subject to availability of rooms] at a cost of: £260 Sterling per person, if sharing in a twin room or £300 Sterling, per person, single room. Full payment should reach the account of the UK BCA by 1st February 2011. Please ensure that bank charges are paid by the sender so the full amount is received by the UK BCA bank.
Bank details:
Bank - HSBC City Corporate Banking Centre
Account number - 72138549
Sort code - 40 05 30
IBAN - GB48MIDL40053072138549
Account name - CAF Bank Ltd
For credit to - Braille Chess Association 00082456
You can help us with the organising if you let us know, as soon as possible, if your country intends to attend this event. We will then need your final numbers by 1st February. At the same time we require the following information:
1 Names and ratings of players
2 Names of guides
3 Number of twin rooms required
4 Number of single rooms required
5 The names of those who will share twin rooms
6 Any other requirements including diet
7 Any players bringing guide dogs [Note. Dogs entering the UK require a pet passport]
8 Any persons in a wheelchair
Where possible we ask that people share rooms as single rooms are always in short supply.
Travel information.
Harrogate is situated in North Yorkshire, within easy reach of Leeds and York. The nearest international airports are: Manchester, Leeds/Bradford and Durham/Tees Valley. Trains take about 30 minutes to Harrogate from Leeds and from York.
For those travelling by boat Hull is the most convenient seaport with trains direct to York and Leeds.
York is less than two hours by train from London Kings Cross Rail station.
Please contact Stan Lovell for further travel advice.
For information about the Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate visit:
www.classiclodges.co.uk and click on the link Old Swan.
If you would like a brochure to be sent to you in the post then please let us know.
Contact details:
Mrs Gill Smith gill.smith@blueyonder.co.uk
Mr. Stan Lovell stan.lovell@tiscali.co.uk
Please notify Gill smith when your bank transfer has been sent.
Thursday 5th May 2011
You are requested to arrive at the hotel no later than 18-00
19-30 Welcome to our guests and dinner
A short meeting of team captains or representatives will take place after dinner.
Friday 6th May 2011
08-00 Breakfast
10-00 Round 1
14-00 Light lunch
15-00 Round 2
19-30 Dinner
Evening free to socialise
Saturday 7th May 2011
08-00 Breakfast
10-00 Round 3
14-00 Light lunch
There will be a trip to a local place of interest during the afternoon 19-30 Dinner followed by entertainment
Sunday 8th May 2011
08-00 Breakfast
10-00 Round 4
14-00 Light lunch
15-00 Round 5
19-00 Closing ceremony followed by dinner.
Monday 9 May 2011 Day of departure
Breakfast can be served between 07-30 and 09-00
Rooms must be vacated by 10-00.
We bid our guests farewell.
Tournament information:
The arbiters will be: Gerry Walsh and Julie Leonard
The rate of play will be two hours for each player
We will supply more information nearer the time.
Onderwerpen in de rubriek: Zeslanden schaaktoernooi
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